Parasound halo JC2 what a joke

Had a jc2 power button fail because the glue that mounted it on fell off ! I guess they glue the input and power buttons on to the face plate . So I sent it out to get fixed , $175.00 with shipping and the repair shop put a small scratch in the face plate . The repair shop is like that must have been there I didn't do it . I call parasound and talked to the owner he said he would talk to the repair shop and call me back . 2 weeks later I called him back and he thinks i'm pulling a fast one on him or something ! If I dinged the front I would have said put a new 1 on . I drive a new caddy I think I can afford it ass$#@# .
Speaking of Emotiva, Paul Mcgowan of PS Audio was at the Axpona 2018 audio show, and took a video cam around to various booths.  Several audio veterans knew Paul and greeted him and made small talk.

Then Paul wondered over to the Emotiva booth.  Dan Laufman, seeing an opportunity(I guess?) immediately stepped into salesman mode and dragged Paul and his cam to his displayed products, spewing prices and features like a used car salesman.  It was kind of sad.  Dan was also dressed like one with several gaudy gold pieces about his person.  

And for me, that wraps up what Emotiva is about.  Here's a link if anyone wants a laugh:
I should have read this thread before I purchased a JC2 demo in May, 2015.  I felt there was 3rd order harmonic distortion from the beginning, but over the phone Richard Schramm assured me there wasn't.  The on-off button recently fell off and I brought it in to George Meyer in Los Angeles for repair.  It took 3 weeks to get it back because of Covid-19 and in addition to the button repair it seems no fewer than 17 capacitors needed replacement.  I have to say that the sound is now glorious with no hint of distortion.  A recent test on one of these 11 year old units revealed excessive 3rd harmonic distortion.  Any comments are welcomed.
Parasound makes awesome stuff.  I have the JC3+ and have yet to find anything that sounds better.
As for the made in Taiwan thing...  I spent 20 years in the bicycle industry working for a medium sized bicycle manufacturer.  We had our frames manufactured in several countries, including the U.S., but by far the best quality we ever achieved was in Taiwan.  I know that bicycles are not the same as electronics, but the point is that Taiwan has really come a long way in their manufacturing excellence.  China is also making some excellent quality electronics these days, but they constantly get bashed.  Some of the worst products I've ever owned (reliability-wise) have been made in the U.S., U.K. and France.  Probably the best track record for products I have owned have been Japanese made.