Anyone experienced speed issues with Artemis Labs SA-1?

Hi guys.
I was listening for several hours and then out of blue on the last record the speed started slowing down and back and then down again. I had zero issues in my 2 years or so of ownership. Used in an all Artemis lab system.

I used my cell phone to measure (after stopping and removing the record) and it showed around 32 rpm first which then - after a few revolutions_ dropped to 30.
Wondering if anyone had the same issue and figured out the fix.
If you used any motor with a speed adjustment function, then you would not have to worry about matching the motor to the turntable. You would just observe the initial speed error and use the adjuster to correct it. Have you considered adapting the eclipse motor system sold by SOTA to the Artemis? If you are happy with the Eagle/Road Runner, you will be equally happy with the eclipse, since the two emanate from the same inventor.
It often surprises me that belt drive aficionados are willing to put up with so much fuss, to keep their turntables running at correct speed. The whole idea of a belt is a pain in the ass waiting to happen.
Thanks for the suggestions 
just for context I have 8 TT - two are DD, 3 belt and 3 idler ...
Each has its own strengths and signature sound 
The Yamaha GT-2000 is great (full Yammy stack) A’s is the Garrard 401 or 301
the Artemis is part of a full Artemis system and it works well when running correctly- given that the belt is an actual R2R tape with a tensioner it is different from the VPI or Fairchild 755...
Don't get me wrong; I do like the Artemis, as mentioned above.  I hope you will be able to resolve the problem.  And certainly, the other drive systems have their specific pesky issues.
No worries I do appreciate the advice
i do spend a fair amount of tinkering with my Modded Lenco 78 - to your point 

I had zero issues with the Yamaha though 

Let’s hope we can fix this Artemis table as I really love it - not to mention the Schroeder arm on it