Looking for ideas for large floor-standing boxes. Must completely protect front drivers and all exposed sides from sharp claws, but not veil the sound. Good WAF a plus!
I have two books "100 Uses for a Dead Cat" and the sequel "100 More Uses for a Dead Cat" Once you do the deed I would be happy to make some suggestions. The most creative is have a taxidermist install a pencil sharpener just beneath the tail:) But in reality and seriousness, I don't think a cat can learn to not do what it has grown used to doing. De-Claw it or make it an outdoor cat. A leash? A cage? A good dose of qualudes in its milk each day? Electric pads around the speakers that won't ruin the bass response? Just some ideas that probably won't help. One last one leave the door open and wait for it to run off with that Siamese down the street.
If the cat is de-clawed, it should be no threat at all to your equipment. If you are not willing to de-claw it, then that may be an issue. One of ours is de-clawed, and the other isn't, but neither of them ever scratches at my floorstanders.
Seriously, cats CAN be trained, perseverance and patience needed. Can you close off the room when you are not on guard? My opinion is that de-clawing should never be done.. except for Attorneys, then tongue removal and.....
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