@nicks25 best to you and an excellent rehab outcome. You will get out of it (the rehab) by what you put into it. Be diligent and follow the direction of your physical therapist. You can get back to 100% if you do so. I have had my unfair share of injuries (always caused by others) and can speak first hand that diligent work in PT pays off. Over the past 12 years I have gone through 3 broken back bones, damaged cervical discs, two knee surgeries on my left and one knee surgery on my right, and a total hip replacement. I am still able to ski all day, and very fast. I can hike 11 miles round-trip in a day, with 3,000 feet of vertical gain. All because of working very diligently through a ton of PT.
Keep your chin up, attitude also plays a role.
I wish you the best!