Does your pet listen to your system?

Not sure if this has ever been a thread for discussion.
We have a pet cat.  Her name is Mina.
She sits in the sweet spot, on the floor, when my system is running, playing music.
I swear she likes to listen to music! 
No, she doesn't tap her paw on the ground or anything like that, but to me it looks like she enjoys the music!
Anyone else out there have a pet that listens to music with them?
No official study, just curious.......
One of our cats was a Siamese and she liked violin music.She would sit and listen as long as a violin was playing. No other instruments got her attention like that.
My boxer loves Bluegrass music. He has a special fondness for Doc Watson. As soon as the needle hits the record he runs up to listen and sits memorized in front of the speakers!!
My previous cat would run to the music room when he heard a string quartet playing. We realized he’d become deaf when he stopped doing that.

The current cat comes in to listen, too, but like a middle-aged suburbanite, he falls asleep as soon as the music starts.

@yogiboy - I’d say your boxer has good taste.