Cat-proofing your speakers...

Looking for ideas for large floor-standing boxes. Must completely protect front drivers and all exposed sides from sharp claws, but not veil the sound. Good WAF a plus!
The caps you put over the claws are called "soft paws". They work but are a pain to put on a cat because you have to restrain a cat and glue caps to it's nails. Sound fun? Also, if they dont all fall off it can can be dangerous to the cat as the nail will keep growing and curl into the pad and trap the cap in between. It happened to our cat so you just have to keep your eye out. Another option is double stick tape, they sell it at pet stores to keep cats away from furniture corners etc. It's a very thin 1.5-2" wide tape and cats hate it. Supposedly it trains your cat to not scratch the areas it is applied to but it looks fugly because it's tape after all. The suggestion to remove the grills all together seems like a good option also and perhaps the best if possible. Fortunately for them, our cats have never touched my speakers so yours may do the same. Other than that just make sure you have a scratcher or scratching post they can use and put cat nip on the scratcher to get them attracted to it. Hope that helps!
I have two cats (and dogs) and none of them have ever messed with the speakers. I have several cat scratching post that I rub catnip all over. Just give them a place to scratch and you will be fine.

Spray them with water when they get close to the speakers. They will Lear fast.
digital deck covers dot com will make custom covers for your speakers ... this would protect them when not in use. then it would be up to you to keep the cats away when playing music
Cats getting harmed is hardly funny, cats can be trained. I have one still with claws as thats cruel to remove them and leaves cat with no defense should he escape. I should add that in 90% or more cases the cat is only as good as its owners effort, there really are no bad pets just ill equipped owners. Squirt guns, tinfoil, clickers, closed doors and sprays can work but all require owners to make time and effort to balance loving a cat and devolping its habbits.