Cat-proofing your speakers...

Looking for ideas for large floor-standing boxes. Must completely protect front drivers and all exposed sides from sharp claws, but not veil the sound. Good WAF a plus!
Cats getting harmed is hardly funny, cats can be trained. I have one still with claws as thats cruel to remove them and leaves cat with no defense should he escape. I should add that in 90% or more cases the cat is only as good as its owners effort, there really are no bad pets just ill equipped owners. Squirt guns, tinfoil, clickers, closed doors and sprays can work but all require owners to make time and effort to balance loving a cat and devolping its habbits.
When I got married 20 years ago, 2 cats came along with the deal. I learned to love those cats but I (we) were never able to get them to stop scratching stuff they wanted to scratch. In fact, we could never get them to stop doing anything they wanted to do, including getting me up at 5 AM to be fed. Good luck.
Cancer is not humourous in the slighest vain, apparently Chadnliz has never been through it.