What's your favorite boutique speaker maker

Seeing a few discussions recently about Fritz made me curious about what other artisan speaker shops are out there. 

I'll cast my vote for Louis at Omega Speakers in CT. His high efficiency full range Alnico drivers, impeccable craftsmanship and very reasonable prices make a compelling option. I've had some very nice speakers over the years but these put a smile on my face like no others could. My search is over. 

No affiliation with him, here's a link to the ones he built for me the beginning of this year. 
Maybe not <<boutique>> neither fully DIY (as it it does come with xover,,and also not <,commercial lab>> as  the speaker does not come fully assembled.
Here is a speaker kit i hope to add as a  2nd speaker system after i recover from my failed tube flipping business on ebay this year. = huge loss..
I may swap out the W18 for a  W22,,not sure yet\, have to talk with xover over designer.

I'm curious as to why no one has mentioned Tyler Acoustics

Tyler made/makes some very nice speakers with the SEAS Excel line of drivers,, THey are too large for my needs, but if you have the room size, and the muscles,, Tyler is <<best bang for the buck>> IMHO Tyler should have stayed with SEAS only drivers , making all sorts of 2 ways and 3 ways.
And also offering xovers with high tech caps, like Mundorf Supreme EVO's. 
This would have given his speakers a  edge over any comp and really put his name on the map.
Xovers should be external, this way buyer gets to see exactly what he is paying for,,as those caps are expensive, but worth it.

My favorite is Sound Labs ESL

^^^^ some audiophiles, reject planars/panels as <,true high fidelity speakers>> I find they are <<disqualified>> to be included in the genre <,speakers>> THey are ina  category all by themselves... why you ask??
The power requirements are<,ridiculous> 100+ watts.. Just crazy.
+ they are pin point directional,, the so called <,sweet spot>> + they are too heavy. 
No I find they are disqualified to be mentioned when discussing <<speakers> 
I would define 
<<The New 21st C Boutqiue Speaker>> 
Has  the xovers external, so you can see exactly what you are getting.
And the components are  from high tech labs, Like Mundorf, Miflex, Jenzen.
Drivers from Scandanavia, like SEAS, Scan Speaker and SB Acoustics. 