Cat-proofing your speakers...

Looking for ideas for large floor-standing boxes. Must completely protect front drivers and all exposed sides from sharp claws, but not veil the sound. Good WAF a plus!
yeah, four cats here, no smell.

and as to what sprink mentioned - the feliway - i will say that we have a couple of the "diffusers" (feliway comes in several different forms) and they are incredible in their ability to chill the cats out. they do minimize - probably eliminate, but i won't make that claim to be safe - scratching. in fact, every time i notice the beginning of naughty cat behavior i check the feliway bottle and sure enough, it's out of liquid.

they're expensive, though, that's the problem. so i would definitely try the spray around a pair of speakers, the diffusers are magic.
So much for buying used speakers now. At least I ate breakfast before reading the last post.
The better half taught are feline to stop chewing on things like cables . I don't think there is much you can't teach them if you no how .
I look at animals in the same light as kids when it comes to audio , there is nothing they can destroy that I can't upgrade .
there is nothing they can destroy that I can't upgrade .
Tmsorosk (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

Oh boy. Kitty playground... [][]