A real "wake up call" available to most....High End Audio vs. Mainstream......

Obviously you are familiar with AudiogoN and, likely, have a decent system.  I have known this, but a great visual on what most people use for sound reproduction is a Craigslist in you area.  If you have one or more market Craigslist available,  check out what is for sale for "sound reproduction" on those sites.   I thought I knew how bad it was, but it was beyond my imagination.  But I guess that is the way it is with many things Americans buy to make noise, drive or eat at.  Locally it is all under "electronics".  ebay is somewhat better, but still a great deal more items you would not want vs.  those you would. 

In music, electronics, cars and so much more....."the road less traveled" is the best path.  The poem is actually "the road not taken". 


Thanks to AudiogoN and its members for existing.  

You can get good deals by stroke of luck. Bought brand new tannoys at a used price due to salesman screw up. Also got terrific deals on ebay from well known sellers of audio gear. An integrated amp $1000 off just because it was a return within 30 days. It’s like brand new. I have never paid full price for anything I own, and it is all good stuff, imo. Great deals can be had on models that are on their way out as well, clearance sales.  I have personally never found anything worth while at a goodwill or salvation army, except maybe a record or two. 
Wow, some really interesting comments here and surprisingly many are in reference to the original post.  Following are my takeaways;

1. Far too many people have crap audio in their lives
2. Many with crap audio think it's just fine, for whatever reason
3. Freedom of choice, in an informed sense, is illusory as most lack the     tools and resources to arrive at the right conclusions on their own
4. As per #3 many rely on others (experts and so called) to make their   choice for them.
5. So called experts rarely care about the customer.  Certainly not   enough to direct them away from a high margin crap cube to something   decent.

To my thinking two of the worst elements of the crap market is how well it gets promoted to the public and the public's willingness to convince themselves that it is great!
There is a reasonable explanation I believe. Keep in mind that the "average" citizen does not have the luxury of leisure time, nor enjoys the disposable income necessary to purchase multi-thousand dollar components. Their priorities are food, rent, medical, mortgages, college tuition, car payments, retirement savings etc. Some of my fondest memories listening to music were via a hand held SONY AM radio as a kid. I often wonder if I was better off deriving enjoyment from a ten dollar transistor radio rather than a fifteen thousand dollar collection of components in my current sound system.
Occasionally on Craigs List you can find real bargains, because the sellers, being uninformed, don't know what they have. Unfortunately, around where I live, everyone seems to value (or even over-value) their ancient Spendors and Celestions.
@danielduryea  Thanks for writing my biography.  A simpler explanation is many people bereft of good or even acceptable audio choose the Vette or the fifth-wheel or the upgraded tooth whitening instead. Quality audio can be expensive and it also comes with a learning/growth curve which means many will walk away without a second look.  Also we have the deniers who actively oppose the high end community.  Most people like music, can't trust people who don't, but not many love music to the point they will push it to the front of discretionary spending.  As for the handheld radio, any music is better than no music and if worrying about your 'big' system is taking away from the pleasure of listening, the radio might be just what is needed.