Advice on CD transport

Here’s the situation:

Am purchasing two channel integrated amp with built in DAC shortly (likely Hegel H390. Love the DAC section).  Big CD enthusiast and I’m looking for a great transport under the $1k range (used is more than acceptable).  My issue is buying a standalone transport is too rich for my blood so looking for a CD player with awesome transport. I hate paying for the DAC in it I won’t be using but such is being audio poor. 
I’ve always liked the Rega line but am wondering what anyone has found/used.  If you’ve got any helpful input without getting into DIY, please feel free to chime in. 
The new CXC I got with haggling, in Aus cost me $490aud that’s $353usd!!!! this is why it’s the best bang for buck so far.
Until hopefully (ex Theta) Mike Moffat of Schiit Audio gets into gear with this resurgence of CD transports needed on the market, then it "should" take over best bang for buck.

Cheers George
@hilde45 I did the Dynamat tweak and I got good results from it.

A $20 sheet of Dynamat (Amazon) took care of both of my CD players; and, I've got enough left over to do at least one more CD player. The video is right about being careful where you where install the mat; so, take your time and think it through if you do it.
Very interested in the rumor that Schitt is developing a transport. where did you hear that?

The Schiit rumors have been around for a little while, and I'm also very interested. I wonder what the price will be, though I suspect it will be very reasonable.

I'm currently using an Audiolab 6000 CDT, which I purchased only after reading a number of reviews on it and the Cambridge CXC. The Audiolab received better reviews, and so far I'm very satisfied.  
Have had Cambridge Audio CXC for a couple of years. No DAC, transport only. I’m using the DAC in my Parasound Halo P5. I also use it with Cambridge DACMagic plus.