Softest/Warmest digital coaxial cables?

Hello, (new user here but long time lurker)

I was wondering which brand (there are so many!! I'm lost) you would recommend for a cable that sounds  warmer/softer/more musical/organic than others?
Think of it like a Cardas golden cross type of sound but with coaxial if that makes sense.
Thanks a lot for your help!

as you are experienced in the field i am sure you are aware that electrical transmission of digital data waveforms are fundamentally different than analog ones, where silver cables often brighten the sound, copper ones add warmth etc etc

here is a potentially useful reference --

i personally have had very good experiences with cullen’s digital cables as well as those made with belden cables by blue jeans... very cost effective... i do not hear a difference from much more expensive ones i have tried that were ’highly recommended’ in many forums in my digital front end -- in which i have chosen carefully to minimize jitter and other digital artifacts

good luck

Acoustic Zen and the High Fidelity Reveal digital coax are cables that have a smooth, organic presentation. You could say the High Fidelity cables have a touch of warmth. These cables are at the high end of your budget.

Thanks a lot! Checking those out.

Does any of you have any experience with AudioQuest cables?
aq cables are just fine, well made, neutral

don't go up their line into the crazy expensive ones (true for any brand of wire)... you are just paying for the owners' home renovation...  :)