Upgrade preamp?

I recently upgraded the Schiit Vidars to Bryston 7B3's and looking to potentially upgrade my preamp from a Schiit Freya + to .......?  Speakers are Magnepan 1.7's.  

I listen to mostly Jazz and the goal would be increased clarity/resolution and sound stage.  

Any suggestions in the under $5k category? 

Rogue Audio RP-7.  Transparent, dynamic and silky smooth even with the stock new production tubes.  
Anyone have any experience pairing McIntosh preamps with Bryston amps?   Deciding between a C47 or sticking with Bryston and going with their BP26 preamp with external power supply.  
Anyone have any experience pairing McIntosh preamps with Bryston amps? Deciding between a C47 or sticking with Bryston and going with their BP26 preamp with external power supply.

I bought a used C47 some time back and, when it first arrived, I tested it in a secondary system which had a Bryston 4B-ST amp. It had no problem driving the Bryston and I actually liked the combination. I haven’t heard the BP-26 but found the C47 to be a tad richer tonally with slightly better instrumental separation, front to back, compared to the BP25.
The BP-25 had good detail and possibly a wider sound stage but all these differences were subtle. The characteristics of the 4B-ST, good and bad, were not masked by either preamp.