Who's using Harbeth with tubes, what speaker model and how many watts per channel?

Curious what current consensus is regarding the above question.

Thank you.
I have the 30.1's and drive them with an Audio Research GS-150 tube amp (155 watts/channel).  Also use a AR GSPre (tube pre-amp).
Sorry to chime in, because I don’t have direct experience with tubes and Harbeth...Only my Croft (hybrid) amp, which is 45 watts per channel. That has driven my (now sold) P3’s, and current C7’s. I have a fair size space...23 X 12 X 8 ft ceilings. The consensus is they like power, yet quite a few Harbeth owners are running low power. A friend runs a 22 watt SET with his 40’s, and loves it. I have not heard his setup. If I had the scratch, I’d love to try a mid/high power KT 88 or KT 150 amp. I’m in budget mode right now, so I’m thinking of the Belles Aria amp. My hope is more power will make the C7’s come alive. I’d also like to hear them with a Luxman 550 class A amp.
Harbeth SHL5+ with Mc275 tube amp and Mc c2500 tube preamp here. I’m  a lightweight in the audio world but have played around some and this is a great combination. Also have Harbeth Compact 7’s driven with a Luxman Class A 590ax and that’s a great sound as well. 
I own Harbeth 30.1's driven by a pair of Rogue Audio M-180 monoblocks (180wpc) with KT120 output tubes. After years of experimenting I have found my sweet spot.

As far as using the 4 or 8 ohm taps, I was told to try both and use the ones that sound better. Without getting too deep in the weeds, for me it was the 8 ohm taps and that's what I use.