I received an email on the side from fellow audiophool explaining that Peychev has a poor reputatioin for follow up service and support. Peychev, 'twas stated, appears to trash other modders and legitimate manufacturers on AA. His mod philosophy appeaers to be very ephemeral. 18 months ago he was grooving on Burr-Brown Dacs, last year Wolfon, two months ago, Crystal, and now? Yep, something new again. Then there is the ubiquitous problematics if Peychev goes out of business, leaves the country, or becomes a Moonie: where o where do I get OEM support? All that being said, I'm still, however, excited about the APL given the audiophools who have emailed me exclaiming killer praise for Peychev and his modded Denon. Well at least the sound of his mod. Peychev emailed me in a timely fashion with his price and what he does. Very clear, friendly, and low pressure. What's an audiophool to do?