Am I behind the digital eightball?

Here's the scoop. I own the AA Prima cdp. I love the sound. When SACDS first came out, I avoided listening to them, not only because of the limitation of my Prima, but the 500 or so cds I have. Now, there are oodles of players that do both. The Ayre C-5xe review has got me thinking. Is there a digital front end that will, at the least, give me what I have with my Prima, plus SACD with equal panache. Now, better than my Prima would be nirvana. I bought my Prima new three years ago, and would love to spend, proportionately, the same $$ for a cd/sacd player. Any thoughts, recommendations? thanks in advance, warren :-)
Hi Warren,

(With tongue half in cheek.)...On the other hand....Although you may be safe to assume that the big corporations will not likely be big Moonie supporters, you wouldn't be so safe in assuming they won't leave you high and dry after they take your Money. Case in point: The Phillips corporation left its transport clients high and dry without any replacement parts. And this is for a transport in which a critical part has failed in a lot of the units. (If I recall correctly, the model number is 1000.) Who gets stuck supporting those clients? Surprise! It's YOUR "Might Become a Moonie" person. Alex has not given up on those clients and has gotten the bum rap because Phillips didn't have the replacement parts. It appears that a fellow audiophile (who apparently is not YOUR audiophool :-)) discovered that one of Marantz's players had an equivalent replacement part. Why did that "dependable" Phillips Corporation not inform its clients about this? Just a wild guess: They wanted those clients to buy the latest new model. They may not be Moonies, but they are into Monies....And as for your comments about Alex's upgrades: Progress is inevitable. Do you stay with Sony's original "Perfect Sound Forever" or do you move on. And if you choose to move on, do you continually replace entire components with new ones as many of the big "dependable" companies (The Monies) would like you to do, or do you just pay for the parts and labor for the upgrade as many of the modders would have you do? Each of us must make that choice based on our circumstances and preferences. Based on how you ended your last post, it appears you have not closed the door to the APL option or to other mods. If my interpretation is correct, I would suggest, that you do some more homework. And when you do, I think you will get a more balanced picture about Alex and more importantly his superb machine. Since your last post was disproportionately negative, your homework up to now may not have been a representative sample. Enjoy the journey!

Best Regards,
good points John. I thought my post was pretty clear, however. My homework is leading me the APL way. If anything is disproptionate, it is the positive, not the negative. and that's a good thing. warren
Warrenh, your original post states that you love the sound of your current player. If that's the case, then why change? If all you want to do is add SACD capabilities to your system, then buy a separate SACD player and keep the player you love.
George, I am very happy with my Prima, but that being said, it doesn't mean that I couldn't be happier. New sacd player means new ics, new power cord, new sistrum rack. In my case that means about $2500. I love my Prima, but there is better. I would have purchased a Capitole in a jiff, back when I purchased my Prima if I had the money. Now it appears that I can have sound that is better than the Capitole MKII with sacd capability for $6k. The experience ab ing the AA vs the APL3910 has been emailed to me by said owners, who now own and love the APL. Certainly exciting these tympanics.