All New Joseph Audio Profile Loudspeakers // The Affordable Reference !

A new Reference speaker at a more affordable price $7K !

Not connected with Joseph Audio in any way

 I know, I don't recall the Canada dealer I talked to but they sold Muraudio and Joseph Audio and Vivid Audio and Cube Audio and other speakers there 

 It was about 6 months back when I talked to them
need Seas Excel

My prefered speaker as well, If a  speaker does not offer either SEAS/Scan Speak, I'm not interested. 
I think Joseph Audio has some Seas Excel models, which will blow away the model being promoted. 
I know, I don’t recall the Canada dealer I talked to but they sold Muraudio and Joseph Audio and Vivid Audio and Cube Audio and other speakers there

Your exact words were... “Tri-Cell Enterprises is the Dealer in Canada”

Whats your username on Canuckaudiomart?
I got to hear JA’s at Cap Fest. Unfortunately it was in a small hotel room and Jeff played the volume at Solar surface levels (chairs seated people @ closer than near field).
when the COVId dust settles I hope to find a dealer near me.