Problem with phono stage

Hello Fellow Audiogoners,

I need help with my Phono stage. It is Lehman Audio Black Cube from Germany.  It was recommended from Simao, a very respected Audiogon member who helped me a lot when I was building my stereo. It costs 450$ brand new which I bought used from this site. Michael Fremer considers it one of the best steals in phono stages. I get a little bit better detail and bass extension BUT it also much noisier. I can hear the pops and any other noises  on the records much more then with the phono stage of my Arcam FMJ 28 which turned out to be a surprisingly good one considering it is an integrated one.
I also switched the cables but the noise is still there.
Is this a common problem with added phono stages as opposed to integrated ones or something is wrong with my phono and needs to be checked.

All help will be greatly appreciated.


i remember 6-7-8 years ago when i dove headfirst back into analog, reading so many loooooooong heated threads here between raul, oregon papa, chakster -- true analog experts with strong opinions, deep knowledge and experience and no fear in expressing .... hahaha

learned a lot, and through the jousts, and applied many ideas to my analog front end with outstanding results!
@atmasphere :  "  it is a mistaken idea to assume that the peak has an influence at only one frequency....""

wrong you are and if you understand it then a misunderstood because I even talked/posted about harmonics developed but in the Nagaoka case it does not has any real " disturb " to what the OP is hearing.

Incredible that you want to have protagonism and even that you do not know that the OP cartridge is not a MM design. 
It's useless to follow you about those clicks/pops .

"""   opamp-based preamps """.

October 16 of 2020 year and are you talking in a high end analog forum of op-amps? really? when several years ago no one use op-amps in any decent today SS electronics: decent unit design.

"""   so willing to attack me... """

attack you? I don't need it because you are the only one that attack your self with that so low knowledge levels in this specific regards.
You need a new mentor/advisor with analog.

perhaps the only audio subject where you really have the rigth knowledge level is about that archaic electronics you promotes.

Btw, you always make my day, thank's for that. Be happy and try to learn

Dear @jjss49  : Thank's for that but I'm still learning and willing to each single day, far away to be an expert by my self.

The problem with that gentleman is that he likes to be the " salt " in every single audio subject even that in almost all audio subjects his knowledge levels are really low like the one in this thread.
Additional problem is that newcomers to Agon forums think that because he is a manufacturer he is an expert in everything when his true day by day expertise belongs to tubes technology.

Btw, congratulation for your Townshend, well the Harbeth's and Rel's too.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Raul, I don't know if atmasphere is an educated terrorist but you are relentless! Are you that bored during these times than to do anything but talk nonsense and offend other people.
Do you ever shut up?

Yes, atmasphere is bombarding me with technical information from which I understand no more than 10% and I was overwhelmed BUT he never insults people and I'm sure many appreciate his knowledge.

You say that a 2000$ Integrated amp is not good enough for 450$ phono stage.
Are you out of your mind. How much should I spend for an integrated to match this entry level Phono?
Maybe 10000$? 

Arcam FMJ28 is a poor quality performer?!? Again, what have you been smoking?
One of the last Arcams MADE IN UK. Not like the new made in China crap. Personally I resent everything Made in China and this has been the case for 30 yrs when the West started shifting manufacturing to China (nothing to do with the current Corona situation).

From all the information in this thread I have decided that my turntable, NOT MY INTEGRATED is the weakest link and I will replace it very soon. 
I will open another discussion about this turntable topic and I hope that you will not be part of it.

Atmasphere, please keep in mind that not every person who loves and enjoys music is an electronic engineer. Although your information could be very useful for the right person to the rest of us, maybe you could try and explain it in an easier way.

Big thanks to everybody who tried to help me with my problem, especially to ejb14, Geof3 and jjss49.

I haven't posted much here, but do read quite a bit and love to learn; I have learned a few things on this thread and find much of what @atmasphere, @geof3 (and others as well) have posted to be helpful and make sense to me. However, @rauliruegas, you are obviously knowledgeable, and have a lot to offer, but I would prefer you leave the personal attacks out of your posts. In my opinion, personal attacks don't help you, the OP, me or others and cast a shadow over the rest of your posts. 

I am still scratching my head a bit as to why when the only thing changed between the two scenarios is the phono stage that we get an "unlistenable" experience; it could be that the Lehmann requires a different setup I suppose, or that it does a much better job at exposing other weaknesses in the system - but I would find a way to verify the Lehmann is performing to specification before proceeding down other avenues. I have bought (and fixed) a lot of used equipment, and found that sometimes what sounds fine to the seller can mean they did not know or could not hear that there was a problem.

The A28 phono stage appears to be a simple single gain stage op-amp based design, but owning and listening to a few reputed 'better' ones (A Sutherland PH3D and a Croft Micro 25 for example), I think it does quite well. I would not say the built in stage is better than the Lehmann, but if that is so, I would think the Lehmann should sound better through the A28. My other external stages certainly do.