The $700 upgrade through Globe Marketing takes the Capitole MKII and upgrades its output board to SE status ... but it does not modify the linestage (to add more analog inputs and digital outputs) ... that's what costs $2000. Basically you can get the sound of the SE for an extra 700, but to get the full functionality of the SE you have to spend the full $2000.
I have the lesser upgrade on my capitole MKII and it sounds awesome, no need to add more! ... also ask Globe for the De Mat from Art Speak which is to be used in conjunction with the Capitole ... surprisingly effective.
for those who want to go the extra mile ... try a whest audio dap.10 in the chain as well. (and use symposium rollerblocks and a good powercord on it).
Happy listening ... the Capitole is a great sounding player at a reasonable price when compared to the ones who surpass it from Emm Labs and Reimyo.
I have the lesser upgrade on my capitole MKII and it sounds awesome, no need to add more! ... also ask Globe for the De Mat from Art Speak which is to be used in conjunction with the Capitole ... surprisingly effective.
for those who want to go the extra mile ... try a whest audio dap.10 in the chain as well. (and use symposium rollerblocks and a good powercord on it).
Happy listening ... the Capitole is a great sounding player at a reasonable price when compared to the ones who surpass it from Emm Labs and Reimyo.