Audio Aero Capitole 192 MK II se upgrade

Good morning all,

I would like to know if anyone of you knows exactly what kind of capacitors and tubes you need to buy to upgrade the Capitle. Thanks
The $700 upgrade through Globe Marketing takes the Capitole MKII and upgrades its output board to SE status ... but it does not modify the linestage (to add more analog inputs and digital outputs) ... that's what costs $2000. Basically you can get the sound of the SE for an extra 700, but to get the full functionality of the SE you have to spend the full $2000.

I have the lesser upgrade on my capitole MKII and it sounds awesome, no need to add more! ... also ask Globe for the De Mat from Art Speak which is to be used in conjunction with the Capitole ... surprisingly effective.

for those who want to go the extra mile ... try a whest audio dap.10 in the chain as well. (and use symposium rollerblocks and a good powercord on it).

Happy listening ... the Capitole is a great sounding player at a reasonable price when compared to the ones who surpass it from Emm Labs and Reimyo.
Audiofankj ....... Maybe it is odd! I'm just repeating what I was told. I found it to be some what strange. Maybe it was just a sales ploy to generate yet another modification.
The cryogenic treatment is it a life time process? I have heard of people doing this process to CD'S and the benefit only lasts so long. Having owned a few Tice power clocks you have to send them back every once in a while for this process. I have heard that cryogenic's is involved when recharging the clock among other things.

Whoever told you that was wrong. I called the distributor to ask them (which seems the logical thing to do to get accurate information)

The SE upgrade is $700.00

The upgrade that costs $2,000.00 is the AI upgrade to older model Capitoles, which involves adding three pairs of analog inputs (2 SE, 2 balanced), a new D/A output board with the inputs board attached, a modifiction to the power supply and a whole new back plate to allow for the new input jacks.

Big difference.

With all that you have stated I agree......someone was wrong. Then again I may have misunderstood what I was told. Have you gotten the SE upgrade?