Modifications on ASL Hurricane 200 DT ?

I am contemplating purchasing a used pair of ASL 200DTs that have been modified by Milan Bogdan, apparently a well-respected Nashville recording engineer.

Has anyone had any modifications done by this gentleman on their Hurricanes ? Has anyone heard of what kind of work he does on the amplifiers? By all accounts he can cut a great record, but is his choice of capacitors equally wise ?

Any information is greatly appreciated.

I agree Dennis. I too prefer designs without feedback but also find that some system combinations can do quite well with feedback. This is why I have feedback (a small amount - less than 5dB negative) in my 300B amplifiers that is also switchable to take it out of the circuit.
With the Hurricanes, there would be no need for feedback but with SET designs, the speaker choice now becomes much more critical.
Talk about Renewing an old post well here we go,Just purchased a a pair of hurricanes, The oil Capacitor ones and am going to DIY the Caps and resistors at least, Not afraid to get in there.Whats the Current  top of the line caps  V Vap teflons?
I would contact Response Audio. The owner has a lot of experience modding the Hurricanes and I’m sure he would have no issue with telling you what he found works best. He’s a good guy.
I didn't notice - he responded above - Response34.