Dear @lewm : Sorry but you are totally wrong. The only kind of cartridges Nagaoka manufacture are IM design not MM. Here you can open the Nagaoka instruction manual and at the very first two sentences states is a IM not MM ( yes you are to lazy. ):
You can confirm as I did it ( several years ago. ) through the Japanese official audio bible that specified IM not MM.
As you your information sources are totally wrong, no matters what. Remember that I not only was a Nagaoka owner but owned the very hard to find top of the line: MP50-Super, way superior to the today 500. Btw, I think that still own the 200 or 300 model, I own to many cartridges and can’t remember exactly about.
In the other side it’s not true that almost all the cartridges I listed about its inductance value are MI/IM because down there are very good know names even if you never own it or don’t have it:
Technics, Audio Technica, Signet, Pickering, Shure, Stanton. In all those models the resonant frequency is way over 20khz. So, what are you talking about?
"" made that very clear in his analysis. """ , could be but useless today. My opinion I respect yours.
lew, I always make my job, at least before you post make yours. Don’t you think?
Btw, those 500mH in the calculator is the default value choosed by Hagerman .
Lew, ceratinly I’m not an expert in any audio subject but in reference to cartridges but LOMC ones I learned through several years all what any audiophile/gentleman could want to learn here:
and I learned from several gentleamns that participated and participates there.
You can confirm as I did it ( several years ago. ) through the Japanese official audio bible that specified IM not MM.
As you your information sources are totally wrong, no matters what. Remember that I not only was a Nagaoka owner but owned the very hard to find top of the line: MP50-Super, way superior to the today 500. Btw, I think that still own the 200 or 300 model, I own to many cartridges and can’t remember exactly about.
In the other side it’s not true that almost all the cartridges I listed about its inductance value are MI/IM because down there are very good know names even if you never own it or don’t have it:
Technics, Audio Technica, Signet, Pickering, Shure, Stanton. In all those models the resonant frequency is way over 20khz. So, what are you talking about?
"" made that very clear in his analysis. """ , could be but useless today. My opinion I respect yours.
lew, I always make my job, at least before you post make yours. Don’t you think?
Btw, those 500mH in the calculator is the default value choosed by Hagerman .
Lew, ceratinly I’m not an expert in any audio subject but in reference to cartridges but LOMC ones I learned through several years all what any audiophile/gentleman could want to learn here:
and I learned from several gentleamns that participated and participates there.