Info at the above sites might help the OP to think about capacitance for the MP110. In searching, I also found one other site where the cartridge is said to be an MM type, but I tend to agree with the owners manual, per Raul. However, whether MM or IM, the inductance of this cartridge is quite high, higher even than a typical MM. In 3 instances I found inductance quoted as 600mH or more than 800mH. Thus, whether it is an MM or an MI type, it is even more subject to capacitance (and load R) than is the typical MM. So Atma-sphere's analysis of where the resonant peak might fall and effect the audio band is reasonable and even conservative, regardless of the transduction method.
Info at the above sites might help the OP to think about capacitance for the MP110. In searching, I also found one other site where the cartridge is said to be an MM type, but I tend to agree with the owners manual, per Raul. However, whether MM or IM, the inductance of this cartridge is quite high, higher even than a typical MM. In 3 instances I found inductance quoted as 600mH or more than 800mH. Thus, whether it is an MM or an MI type, it is even more subject to capacitance (and load R) than is the typical MM. So Atma-sphere's analysis of where the resonant peak might fall and effect the audio band is reasonable and even conservative, regardless of the transduction method.