Class A or AB amp for JBL S4700 speakers

Which should I go for and why? Brands I'm looking at are Accuphase, Pass Labs, and maybe McIntosh.
It is 2 times 4o Watt class A. This means you almost never will come to class B. Even with my X250.5, it only happens when I play at extreme levels. This has a lot more in class A.

I owned the XA 100.5/60.5 and 30.5 as well. The X series has a little more air in the high freq.

The X350.5 has more drive and control as well even at very low volume. I use Purist Audio Limited Edition powercables. They make the mid freq so much more musical than no other powercable can. I will receive it today :)
In other words, it is class AB.

Class A amplifiers are class A right to full output.
I first owned 3 XA amps and I thought I would prefer them. But when I bought the XA250.5 and the Purist Audio Limited Edition I chnaged my mind. Without the Purist Limited I would have thought differently. This one had such a big influence on the sound, stage, focus and articulation of voices.
I agree Ralph +1, Class A amplifiers are class A right to full output.
Atmasphere (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
The X350.5 is a stunning amp, but don't forget that I use cables expensive cables ( Wel Signature 2 times 7500 dollar, 2 times Purist Audio Limited 4000 dollar)

But these cables are so important to give the level I have now. The stage is wide: about 1.5-2 metres beside the spakers. The difference I have now is that the stage is also higher on the side pf the speaker. This is caused by the Wel. I never autioned any cable which was this good in stage height. It is a lot more involving than the X250.5. I have a more musical sound with my combo now than what I had with the XA100.5 and XP-20. The Purist Limited edition make the mid freq. a lot more involving. Like you go from X to XA series. But now with a X amp. I have more spatial and air than what I had with the XA-100.5. The drive in the low freq. are F. awesome. Like your spakers are on steroids. The control is so tight, fast and well layered. I have by far the best overal sound I had so far.