Preamp suggestions again with size considerations

So my previous couple of posts asking for equipemt recommendations turned out exceptionally well. I picked up a Linear Tube Audio Microzotle MZ2 which I really enjoy. And I really like the smaller form factor of the MZ2 and the flexibility of the external linear power supply as well. Makes good use of some limited space in my entertainment center.

So I'm back again looking for a recommendations for another preamp along the lines of the MZ2 in size. And if an external linear power is an option , all the better. This will allow me greater flexibility with my gear and allow me to move the MZ2 out as a stand alone integrated for a second system should I desire.

So I need another tube preamp to drive my First Watt Aleph J amp and a pair of Klipsch RP-600M bookshelf speakers. The Aleph J pushes 25 watts, with a gain of 19.6dB and input impedence of 242 kohms so ideally I need an preamp with gain. Other details are:
No phono needed
At least 2 inputs
Remote volume control
Under $2500 new or used
Unbalanced RCA in/outputs
Smaller form factor than a full size component

That about sums it up. I look forward to and thank you for all your replies and input.

What are your sources? The input sensitivity of the Aleph J is 1.5V for full 25W output with an 8 ohm load. If you’re using a digital source you probably are at 2V so you may not actually need any gain. 
A Bluesound Node 2i is my digital source and Schiit Mani phono for my turntable.

Running the MZ2 and previously a ModWright SWL 9.0 AE, both are 11dB of gain. The Node 2i through both required the volume knob to be turned to or past 12 o'clock for my listening. Given those experiences and the modest 19.6dB of the Aleph J, I figured at least some gain would be beneficial. But perhaps my assumption is misplaced as I've not tried a passive pre yet.
The Node 2i puts out about 2V with the volume fixed. The Mani (and most phone stages) outputs much less. I only know what I’ve read about anything phono though. With the gain on your amp I think you’d only get about 1W with the 300mV maximum expected from the Mani. So you might want some gain even with efficient speakers. Of course one way to test it would be to plug the Mani directly into your amp. I doubt anyone would recommend it long term, but the impedance shouldn’t be an issue. Your cartridge and gain settings on your phono stage will heavily influence the results. It would tell you if you can hit too loud, loud enough or not even close. 
Dont be distracted by dial position. Hitting max comfortable volume too early and not having enough adjustment is more of an issue than using the whole dial range.
I use a Saga+ because I don’t need any gain and wasn’t ready to spend more money yet. No complaints, but I’m going to expect magic when I finally upgrade. LTA MZ2/3 is on my list.