Holo Audio May DAC

Just read a very nice review of this in Stereophile this month and after doing some research it looks like this one could be a very nice option for me.  
It's made in China I think (or could be Taiwan?, and yes, I am very well aware that these are two very different countries. ;)), and employs a direct to consumer model to keep the price as low as possible.  This does not worry me after purchasing a Jay's Audio transport from Vinshine Audio and having zero issues.  

Just curious if anyone here has heard one or purchased?  I'm very intrigued.  I know the Denafrips Terminator is another highly regarded DAC with a similar ordering model, but costs a couple grand more than this one.  Considering that one as well.

@redwoodaudio I agree with this assessment.  I made a similar comparison to the Mytek Brooklyn.  The Mytek is a wonderful DAC but the May DAC just sounds more "real" than the Mytek.  Difficult to describe but once you hear it you know.  Herb Reichert's review described a similar experience.  
synergy among high quality components is the lifeblood of a hifi rig that thoroughly pleases its owner...
Has anyone heard both a May and Lampizator R2R DAC? 

I'd be curious to hear how they compare.

As far as I know Lampizator no longer utilizes R-2R. They have their own ‘engine 53’ delta sigma now. Besides that, all Lampi units are tube based and the May is not. You may know these two facts but thought I’d add them just incase. 
What I’m curious about is how the May and the Mojo Audio EVO compare to each other —both ss and both R-2R...