Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Hope I’m not going to ruffle any feathers with this question, but would like to know any recommendations folks here might have for a currently manufactured speaker in the range of $2K-$3K per pair that delivers alot of what made the legacy Thiels sound so good. I assume any such product would implement the time coherent design principles and sturdy construction of classic Thiels.  Might go somewhat higher on price range but not looking to spend twice that amount.  Could look for older Thiels, but for now am wondering if anyone else is currently building new speakers much along those lines. My fond memories of my original 2’s was their exceptional detail and clarity compared with most anything else I shopped at the time.  Thanks for any suggestions!

If I was looking for something that provided the essence of what I love about the Thiels, and was looking to get hold of something that was in current production, my starting point would be Maggies and Vandersteens.  I had Magnepan speakers in my listening space from 1984 to 1996 and loved them.  Moved onto Thiel when we needed something more practical to best co-exist with our then toddler.  I started with the Thiel CS .5, and then in 2011 moved up to the 2.4.  Much easier to work into my listening space than would be comparable Maggies.  I have  never owned Vandersteens, but in my space Vandersteens would be easier to work with.  Also, Vandersteens would be easier to work with from an amp perspective  relative to either Thiels or Maggies.  Hope this helps.
I read things on zobel networks commonly being used with thiels speakers and amps used with them can anyone explain this? As well as the alpha goertz cables people talk about.
I agree Vandersteens are the ones that come to mind as the closest to Thiel sound and also build quality.
I have been a long time reader and fan of this forum. I have Thiel cs7 that have been upgraded to the 7.2 to say that I cheated on the audiophile path would be an under statement. i bought my speakers from a fellow audiogoner appx. 5 years ago, at that time I thought my Krell ksa 100 amp would suffice, but everything I read said 7.2s NEED power and plenty of it. So I started researching and listening to bigger amps. i was just about to pull the trigger on some Mac 501s when I read about the Thiel liquidation auction in Tn. I now have the Krell fpb 600c that Jim used to power his/my speakers.
When I bought the speakers the concrete baffles were cracked but everything sounded great. Now with the bigger krell on the speakers I am getting air through the cracks which causes distortion in the woofer of my left speaker.
I talked to Rob a few years ago about the cracks and he said there was a small shop near Thiel in Ky. that use to do those repairs but they closed about the same time Thiel closed. 
My big question is "has anyone repaired a cracked concrete baffle or know someone that can repair a concrete baffle"?