Need Help Identifying Unmarked RCA Interconnects..

As the title says - I need some help identifying these unmarked RCA cables. They were purchased by my father but he doesn't remember anything about them. I have compared them to a few different cables at the $100 and below mark and these unmarked cables are definitely in a much higher league, much more refined (DIY RCAs, BJC LC-1, Audioquest Silver Extreme). Today I should have the time to compare these RCAs to a set of Kimber Heros so we will see how they stack up to a higher level RCA. Anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated. I posted pictures of the cord on my Flickr account. Please see the link..
Also, if you have advice as to where I may more easily find the answer to my question, please post.. Thanks!
Well, the RCA plugs look like an early version of Furutech rca's. Maybe do a Google search for rca interconnects and click the images tab. There will be hundreds of photos and you might get lucky.
Thanks for the input. I have gone through multiple 30 minute sessions of Google Image searches - but no luck yet. I just looked up Furutech but also no luck. I will give it another try though..
If they are DIY, which you sure seem to be saying they are, then what is there to identify?