Who's using Harbeth with tubes, what speaker model and how many watts per channel?

Curious what current consensus is regarding the above question.

Thank you.
I've heard my 40.1's and now 40.2A's with Primaluna and Cary tube amps and thought they made lovely music, but once I switched to solid state amps (LFD NCSE and now Hegel H590) I am much happier with the sound.  The 40 series speakers are hungry for power, and the two tube amps I mentioned did not provide this as well as the Hegel or the LFD.  
My favorite Harbeth/Amp combo was SHL5+ being driven by an Air Tight ATM-2 amp. 

The Air Tight makes approx. 80W, I used a Lampizator Big 7 as a preamp and DAC. 

The most enjoyable sound I've had in my home. 

ahhh airtight atm-2 -- what a wonderful piece what a sound

need to get mine out play it again... kt88 magic...

has front panel input thru volume pot too... eliminate the linestage if single sourcing!!!

The ATM-2 is really an amazing amp. I regret selling and would love to find another.