New Tinnitus study and possible treatment (via Science Daily)

Very interesting experimental results. Don’t know how or when it might be made into a widely available treatments. Details here:

On further searching, it looks like there is a device made by a company called Neuromod. Don't know if it's been prescribed, covered by insurance, etc.
Some doctors and medical researchers are saying that tinnitus may originate in the brain.  It doesn't mean you have a brain tumor, but it could be an acoustic mismatch with the ear.
Not having this equipment, I cranked up some Pink Floyd and stuck my tongue in a wall outlet.  There is no tinitis now!
As with many aspects of medicine, our understanding of the causes of hearing loss and aberrations such as tinnitus are in their infancy.  To give you an idea of newer research trends you might find this article interesting:
Now in my mid 70s, I feel extremely fortunate to have retained good hearing when I  consider that almost to a person my male friends are wearing, or should be wearing hearing aids.  Not being able to appreciate a good sound system is one thing, not being able to hear people speaking is causing more and more of my friends to self-isolate due to embarrassment over their communication difficulties. While I'd love to be able to regrow my hair, I'd rather see advances in restoring hearing.  Both will come along,  The sooner the better for hearing.
falconquest is right!

Even in the more subjective social sciences, a sample of 300 is more than enough to test just about any hypothesis.

I learned as much in the process of earning my PhuD