Brxl, ... I reiterate my prior advice to call Greg at ARC. He generally picks up the phone when I call.
I am not an electronics techie, so I am hesitant to give advice. But I can ask a few questions.
First, did you check the bias of each tube? I recall that there are 8 bias ports, one for each tube, and each tube should measure 65 milli-volts. If a tube arc'ed it could have taken out a bias resister.
Second, does the amp work? It wasn't clear from your post whether the amp actually works. If it does work, how does it sound?
Last, ... is it possible that the problem occurred upstream.
Just an observation, I recall that the VS-115 was a very robust amp. I suppose anything is possible, but it seems unlikely that the amp experienced a catastrophic failure.
If after consulting with Greg, he advises that the amp be looked over by a tech, he might be able to help you find an ARC authorized tech close to your home.
Please let us know how you make out.