Is the EMM DAC6e or DCC2 /CDSD the best out there?

Is this the best digital front end ever?

What about

Reiymo CDP 777?
dCS gear?
Audio Aero Prestige?

Any other contenders?
Dgad, I do not run vinyl at all, thus my comment was inherently tainted. You may try though the new Helix chords both on your vinyl and your digital rigs. They are considerably better than the old series and they are at least worth a listen and a comparison with your Elrods.
>>I wouldn't run & buy an analogue setup unless you are willing to spend at least 10-15K on the setup.<<

One can spend far less on an analogue system that will crush the EMM.
Oh wow! That was so awesomely profound Stan. . . are you having a good turkey dinner today? (chuckles!)
You guys really think changing out the power cord on the emm labs gear makes a difference?

I thought buying the emm labs gear which costs serious coin meant getting the best dac and transport out there. If you think their power cord is not up to snuff than are you not doubting the entire product? Has anyone contacting emm labs to ask them if they considered the power cord to be a weak link or something that could or should be upgraded?

I have heard the Meitner twice and find it excellent. I think however any discussion about the ultimate CD transport/DAC combo must include the Burmester gears, especially my current reference the 979/980 combo. Much has been made about the price of the 969/970 combos which is arguably very high then again the Rockport Sirius was >$75K...Its little brother, the 979/980 is about as good and fully competitive in term of price in line with DCS and the likes…around $25K list price..

This said, 10 K in turntables IMHO is musically superior to any current digital combos I have heard... Digital is moving fast though, eventually, it will surpass what we are getting from analogue, probably a super DVD-A, say a linear PCM with higher frequency sampling >=192 KHz 24 bits...