Teach me about cartridge 'retipping'

Thought I would throw this out there for comment by long time vinyl aficionados...

We all have cartridges we love, some are pricey treasures... but they wear out eventually even with much care and diligence in use.

There are still some good folks with excellent reputations doing retip services of various makes - Peter at SS, Andy Kim in WA, Steve Leung in NJ etc etc... not to mention some of the manufacturers of course, who still do them. It would seem to me these old craftsmen may or may not be passing along these valuable skills to younger apprentices.

I have bought a couple Grace F9 retips from Peter Ledermann - they work wonderfully. No longer having a fresh factory F9L I will never know whether they sound different.  But they sound great.

Curious to hear comments about how these retips are done, and whether they can reliably reproduce the original sound signature of the cartridge. I wonder, for instance, about how the cantilever is removed and reinstalled, relative to the suspension of the original cartridge, etc etc.  Is the suspension replaced?  What is a suspension comprised of, for example, in a typical higher end MC cart like a Dynavector a Lyra a VDH...

Of course, as time passes, the original cartridges age and I can imagine suspensions in them eventually get compromised as well...
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I’ve already revolutionized conductor design by using liquid metal conductors which are, literally, purely a quantum beast. Not seen before anywhere, in anything. so new, it is not yet explored and can produce effects and conditions not yet realized.

For example, if making an inductor out of it, things get bizarre and don’t follow the expected rules.

There’s a thousand new patents and ideas hiding in there, yet people are clueless to the potential that is openly displayed and freely given.

(As an aside, a critical one...the US military made gaseous antenna system for their tanks in the 1990's. the gaseous antennas have no direction limits,  no frequency limits, and no multiplexing limits.It  disappeared. It disappeared into black ops, black budgets. One of untold thousands like it. Stolen from our collective human future.

This one, liquid metal as conductor ..has similar aspects to it. Think of it as a heavy mass gas.

As... I did it openly, into an ignorant world, and it managed to stay out in the open. For almost 15 years, so far.)

Where ignorance tries to beat me to death in the streets for being a charlatan. Such insanity and projections.

I’’m selling a $229 cartridge, with a return policy, if people don’t like it. It has some new ideas in it.

Just to get started.

It has to start small and pay for itself, as no one in their right mind, would create $500 MM phono cartridges by spending $10 million to get there. Just so a few people with influential opinions about sound quality.. could pass judgement on it ...and make or break the $10 million effort. That would be insanity.

No one, in this market, is going to do that for you. They’ll never recover their investment.

So it has to start small and pay for itself, as it goes...IF it gets the chance to go, at all.

I don’t have to prove anything to anyone, the return policy says it all.

IF I want my effort to take it further, then all you are going to be receiving at this time, is getting a chance to purchase it. You will not be getting the information, or thinking on why it’s an improvement. As that, is the ’thousand free patents’ end of the ideas and thinking pool. Stolen thunder. I don’t owe you that. No one does.

As that that would kill the effort before it begins. All that would happen is theft and loss of my chance to begin and take it somewhere better and greater. Intellectual property theft is a big problem for the start of any enterprise.
Chak, I am sure you know the phrase “in my opinion “ in English. You should consider using it more often.
it would seem to me that if a retipper/rebuilder has a good idea of the exact specs of the old cartridge cantilever and tip and suspension, to the extent materials are available, he can basically try to mimic the original spec, correct?

of course never ever perfect, but i should think they can get fairly close unless unobtanium exotic materials are called for...

just common sense reasoning...
I have an experience of having a Cartridge Rebuilt.
My Investigations and Ordering a Cartridge to be rebuilt, was motivated by the results that I had heard from another Cartridge that is a model that is near unobtainable to purchase.
The closest I got was through fraud offerings as a Sale Item.

This Cartridge had been heard by myself on a Home System as a overhauled Cartridge and was remaining at the Factory Spec. 

The Cartridge Owner was aware there was a further work that could be carried out and as a result of ordering this work to be undertaken,
it evolved into a Rebuilt Cartridge, using more update technologies for the internal parts, as well as another Stylus Part.

When hearing this rebuilt Cartridge, I was undoubtedly sure I was hearing a Change, and what I hearing as a presentation, was much more to my liking.
I was sure this was a place I wished to be with my Cartridge Selection, 
but was knowing a Cartridge of the Model being used does not be genuinely seen for sale.

Further Investigation on the Subject showed a Cartridge from the Same Brand and of a Similar design could be used as a Donor for a rebuild.
The Technician predicted a outcome that would be very satisfactory, but it would be dependant on the Suitability of the Donor Cartridge.

After a thorough Inspection being carried out by the Technician of the Sourced Donor Cartridge Internals, the Bobbin and Coils were declared in very good condition and a thorough cleaning was required, it was claimed to filthy internally.  
I had a rebuild produced at very fair money using modern design materials found on the Brands High End Cartridges.
I also chose a Different Stylus Part.

This build has been totally satisfying and Compared on regular occasion  to the unobtainable model that motivated me.
Both Cartridge Owners are very impressed with the outcome of the comparisons, and how close the two Cartridges are, they are not Twins,
but definitely Siblings wearing similar outfits.

I have recently purchased very cheaply, another used Cartridge.
It is a Seven Year Old from new purchase, from the Same Brand, that has a lost Stylus Only.
It is to be used as a Donor Cartridge.

I had carried out Macro Photography to see if I could discover if the Boron Cantilever had broke,  or if the Stylus had lost adhesion and separated.
What was very evident was the Dirt on the Cantilever and on the Body as well as entering the Housing by the Bobbin.

The Granular Particles being witnessed was quite a surprise,
I don't know how much they will effect the performance or the SQ,
but witnessing such a build up of Particles has made me rethink if a Cartridge would benefit from intermediate cleaning during its Stylus Life. 

The New Donor Cartridge, afaik,  has a internal technology that is further improved upon the Model I have in use at present.
I am now in discussion about my Rebuild Options, before it is sent for an inspection to be proven as a Suitable Donor.

The Technician has informed me over time of the Risks of buying in Donor Cartridges and having a expectancy of them being rebuilt.

They will only work on Samples from Brands in a very good condition, with use only wear being witnessed,
a Cartridge with 'third party works undertaken' prior to their receiving the Cartridge, will not be worked on.
They have informed me that many of the models from the Brand I am selecting are returned to their owners as a not able to be re-tipped,
as internal damage is seen on the Bobbin or Coils.

I am not out of the Woods Yet with my new plan, it might not be produced, as a result of a report on the condition witnessed during the Inspection.
It is another part of the wonderful journey into the pursuit of a New and Unique Experience, with my Vinyl Front End.

Not all Cartridge Technicians will accept a Cartridge to be worked on,
because it is their Business to do so.
My Experience is that a Technician will Charge a fixed fee, that a customer will be informed of in advance, the fee is to cover for a Inspection to be carried out, to assess the Cartridge as a Suitable Cartridge to be worked on.

If a work is achievable the Inspection fee will be absorbed into the overall fee, as it will be part of the process of the work being undertaken.

I am happy with how I have chosen to work with a Cartridge that will have been either compromised over time, through Wear, unknown Damage,
or as reported to and recently witnessed a Substantial Build Up of contamination.

To have a Cartridge that is an Obsolete Model and a Superseded Design, brought up to a Spec, where it will deliver a performance that is very attractive and satisfying for a reasonable reasonable outlay,
as well as becoming a Unique Model from a accomplished Technician.
Is from my end a very Nice Experience to be attached to.  

FWIW... the above picture of the "glued" line contact diamond on a boron cantilever is a complete diamond / cantilever assembly bought from Namiki directly.

