Apologies for the typo Mike, yes I meant your SOTA--state of the art) analog rig.
As mentioned, I have no argument with the fact that you and your guests may find the SOTA to be superior to the EMM, and in fact I'd be interested in knowing more details of your comparative findings, e.g. ICs, PCS, and types of recordings used (redbook/SACD?), have you had many opportunities of comparing the same recording on vinyl and SACD ?
I have also no problem if you state that overall you truly prefer vinyl over digital and you find it more musical/satisfying, etc. . . That is a purely subjective statement, and therefore valid by definition.
The problem is rather in the generalization steps that lead you to make an unequivocal statement of superiority of one format over the other one--irrespective of direction I should add. My objection has nothing whatsoever to do with the music or the sound, but only with the process. You start with the postulation that (1) the EMM is the very best that digital has to offer, and (2) if SOTA is found to be superior to EMM, (3) SOTA must be superior to digital, and because (4) SOTA is the best of Vinyl. therefore (5) vinyl must be superior to digital.
The problem is in the postulation in statement 1, which to be valid must be held as a universally accepted truth--which in this particular case it is unfortunately not, as there does not appear to exist an objective unanimity on the subject.
Regardless, I'd love to listen to both your rigs some times, as I have not been fortunate enough to listen to either EMM nor SOTA! As for old Wittgenstein, I suspect he listened mostly to live music. There is a book called Wittgenstein's Vienna (or The Vienna Of Wittgenstein) which may shed some light on the subject. Have not read the book yet.