Has anything changed with Grado cartridge re-tipping? No more Needle Doctor....

Hi everyone.....

I think I am starting to get a little inner-groove distortion on my Statement Sonata2. After some listening today I'll confirm. If so, I will want to re-tip/replace to a Sonata3 but maybe more likely a Master3.

I loved Needle Doctor that would send your new cartridge and give you one-two weeks to send back your old cartridge. It allowed for a faster, easier swap being able to instantly replace......minimal readjusting....or worse if you substitute in a different cartridge in the time it takes to get a replacement back!

Grado and Needle Doctor even allowed you to upgrade or downgrade in the line as your budget allowed.

So, Needle Doctor closed up their business....and an online search doesn't even bring up re-tip prices or mentions. I looked through Music Direct, Elusive Disc, Upscale Audio and other websites and finding no information on price or procedure for re-tip.

I will probably call Grado tomorrow....but does anyone have any recent experience?

Anyone know a dealer that does what Needle Doctor used to?

I have a local Grado dealer in Cincinnati that I would love to support, but last time they did a Grado re-tip for me (admittedly 15+ years ago)...they took 2-3 months (!) to get my cartridge back....which even back then should have been no more than a couple weeks tops.

My friend just traded in his Dynavector for a new one. I don't know the model but it was a $2000.00 cartridge and was done at a dealer. The new one was $500.00 off the price with trade in. These manufactures do not retip they just replace and probably throw the old cartridge away. The markup on cartridges is a lot more than you and me might know!
The XTZ is great, this is what I have for everyday use for a while on DA-401 
Markup on cartridges are usually 100% based on the Shures, Pickering, ADC and Ortofon I sold in the 70’s and 80’s. 
Trade-up plan is excellent, much better than re-tip.
And they have a reason not to re-tip/rebuild old cartridges, a new one instead of old is much better (if the price is ok for the owner).

Second the trade up to the masters;  simply call Grado in Brooklyn

1-718) 435-5340