Negotiate good price

I went to a dealer last week and listen to some really sweet pieces.  I was ready to throw down some coin but am confused about the dealers approach.  He comes in the room and says how is everyhting.  I say it is amazing this is just the sound I am looking for.  He says okay and leaves.  Comes back in 10 minutes and I am ready for hardball.  I sit back with my hands above my head in an inviting posture and say- can you beat prices that I see on Audiogon?  He says he will be right back- great i think he knows- I know my stuff.  Another guy comes in and says he needs to use the room for a client.  I say where is the other guy and he says he's on the phone.  So I wait in the lobby for 20 minutes and don't see anyone. I left my name on a paper and put it on the desk and ask him to call me with the best he can do on the system because I can buy some of it on AUdiomart.  I asked my wife and she thinks that's too hardball- maybe i should have lied and said I'm shopping around for best price.
Any info on how to speed pitch softballs?   
I've got to agree with most of the comments here.

In the late 70's/early 80's I worked in the high end audio business, before the internet.  When I started out, learning the ropes of selling on straight commission, before I learned how to better qualify customers, I'd spend so much time with "tire kickers", who basically wanted me to teach them what I knew about the equipment, so they could go elsewhere and snag cheaper equipment.  I worked at a shop that had to rent the space, purchase the inventory, pay the utilities and hire people to run the store, and these "tire kickers" were just using us.  On two occasions I spent a lot of time with customers only to find they'd head to the "schlock" places and buy lower-quality equipment with no service, and they actually had the audacity to ask for help when they had problems with that equipment they bought elsewhere.  I just had to say that I wasn't familiar with those brands and recommend they ask the people they bought the items from for help.
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Salesman like that will not make anyone go back to their store, If Iam the salesman , I will direct this future audiophile to the gear , he can afford.All this salesman have to say, we can’t match Audiogon and audiomart, and say thank you for visiting us.My experience going to a highend audio store is even worse than tubebuffer, Iam from Asia , live in the states for 45 yrs , I remember being treated like this without even opening my mouth, the truth salesman asses those who can afford and those who can’t, It hurts because , the guy saw me driving Sentra Nissan.Since I started Benz I get more respect on any audio store I go.Now that Iam capable of buying , I never go back to those store, they end up close 5yrs ago.
Tubebuffer go online don’t go back to that store, Music direct has 60 days trial, many do have 30days trial, But please don’t abuse them, Call Tom he is a nice salesman, he can help you..