Electrocompaniet ECI 3 vs Primare A30.1/I30

Which one would you choose to drive Sonus Faber sonetto's ?
1. Electrocompaniet ECI 3 Pre owned 1000$
1. Primare A30.1 MKII Pre owned 670$

Is it work the extra 400$ for the EC ECI3 ?


Primare distributor in US is Mofi

And also, Cable Co is an authorized dealer,

Crutchfield is also an authorized dealer now, believe it or not,

I have had a couple of communications with them in Sweden about my CD35 Prisma and they have been very responsive, so , so far so good, cd player and media player excellent build quality, sq, and app pretty good, could be improved, as could others I've used, only thing I don't like is difficult to read front display from afar, too small, but they say that the app is what should be used, so I'm getting used to that, I'm an old timer so still resist the app thing

My understanding is they also have an associated servicer in the US, but you would have to contact Mofi to verify

They are also releasing ht processors soon, so they may be increasing their presence in the US

Nice gear, SQ oriented, different looks-wise, some may like, others not so much, worthy of consideration, but most Electrocompaniet would seem to be in a higher league

Thanks for your replay @akg_ca
I understand your concerns for spare parts and reliability but in my country the choices for a new amplifier are very limited, here are several
- Roksan K3 Integrated 1500$
- Arcam SA20 1200$
- Rega Elex-R 1300$
- Cambride Audio CX-81 1100$
- NAD C275 1200$
- AUDIOLAB 8300A 1200$
- VINCENT SV-227MK 1500$
Do you think any of these can compete with the mentioned amplifiers from the original post? What would be your choice under 1500$ apart from this list?

(1) REGA and ROKSAN would be my first choice on your list price point.

(2) If you stretch your budget then a wide host of options open up, starting with move-up models in the above. Intuitively, you only get what you pay for in this crazy hobby.

If so, Other pre-owned OEM options on AGON, CANUCKAUDIOMART et al etc. that are high current quality builds that are every bit the peer or and better options to your AYRE and ELECTROCOMPANIET choices include , inter Alia,

and on and on

- They all have their bespoke signature sounds.
- Audio System Synergy is an alchemy of: speakers, source, electronics, cables ( .... ALL of ICs, speaker, and power) , and your bespoke listening arena warts.

The missing link in your post is the absence of this detail. I would strongly integrate these in your decision matrix and not distill this down to the integrated amp alone as any silver bullet.

At your stated price point, an upgraded audio source and bespoke room treatments to smooth out acoustics (with their inherent warts), will have a greater immediate effect in your audio performance satisfaction then ruminating over the A - B integrated amp choices in your stated price point strata.

I had a Primare I-30, I really liked its clean clear strong sound, driving my Vandersteen 3A Signatures. Quite a wonderful unit. It needed one repair and the Primare authorized repair center handled it nicely; they are in Washington state as I recall.

Naim is also excellent. I have a Nait XS2 currently. Also excellent sound, built to very high quality even though it is a pretty unassuming looking component.