change amps or speakers

I am powering Eminent technology LFT8bs with quicksilver M60 monoblocks.  No preamp - I am running a dac directly to the amps, which works because with this configuration I am using very little attenuation.  Problem is it is obvious that the ETs require more current and/or wattage- the detail is there but not the punch and there are times when I am maxed out on volume at 12 0'clock and need more. Question is do I change the amps or speakers - I love the quicksilvers and put some serious $ into modifications.  A well respected friend/tech highly suggested I seek out a used pair of PSB stratus golds. I have a medium sized family room and like detail neutrality but need more rhythm and dynamics. Thanks you.
Nice set of monoblocks into very low sensitivity speakers. Change to more efficient speakers.
BYW, PSB are not neutral speakers. What is your budget?

The specs advise the Eminents need at least 75 wpc; and remember they are 83dbl.

I am running a CJ LP66S at 60 wpc on an 8 ohm speaker at 88dbl that can dip to 6 ohms. In my case, I am starting to wonder if I need more power to avoid the treble sounding compressed.


How much power are you making at 12 o’clock ? Have you spoke w Quicksilver? Borrow a preamp and see.... also don’t trade down both your speakers and amps are super musical
Hello majorc,

     Your description of your current system's shortcomings are remarkably similar to the perceived shortcomings I had with my system as formerly constituted, although I used more powerful ss amplification with my Magnepan 2.7QR planar-dynamic speakers. 
      I believe your  ET LFT8bs are also planar-dynamic type speakers that have the 2.7QRs similar strengths of having fast and detailed midrange and treble performance along with very good, palpable and natural stereo imaging qualities.  But I also believe they share similar weaknesses of having restricted rated bass extension, mine are only rated down to 35 Hz, and having rather poor bass dynamics. 
      About 5 years  ago, I bought and installed an excellent solution that  dramatically transformed my system by providing the solid,powerful, rhythmic, fast, detailed and smooth bass impact and dynamics, with a rated bass extension down to a flat 20 Hz, that I perceived as being absent from my speakers sound qualities.  The system is the Audio Kinesis Swarm system.  Here's an Absolute Sound review that provides a very accurate description of what to expect:

     I'm fairly certain this system will perform equally well as a supplement to your speakers and dramatically transform the rhythm, impact and dynamics of your system.

Best wishes,