Phonostage recommendations under $3K


I am looking to step up from my current Parasound ZPhono XRM (still under 60 days audition trial). To be honest, I am quite pleased with its performance, feature set and flexibility. I mean what else you can expect from a $600 phono. While I enjoyed listening to vinyl through XRM, I feel there is room for improvement and XRM may be the weakest link in my vinyl setup. And since XRM is the only phono I’ve experienced in my setup, I don’t have quite have a reference point. So what else should I be considering under $3K?

I prefer a relaxed and slightly warm sound since I mostly listen to jazz genre.

I started to put together a list list based on sound quality and flexibility with gain and impedance settings.

Parasound JC 3+ Phono Pre
Allnic H-1202
Leben RS30 EQ (requires a SUT for MC Cart)

I hear high praises on Herron VTPH-2A but it’s bit more than I would like to spend at this time.

My current vinyl setup, Thorens TD1601, ZPhono XRM, Hana ML (low output - 0.4mv), Accuphase E-650 and Tannoy Canterbury’s.

I would really appreciate some recommendations based on your personal experiences. Thank you!
My set up is the Marantz tt-15 with an upgraded Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC ☆ ES Moving Iron, going to The Manley Chinook with 4 NOS Telefunken tubes. Using the Marantz 7705 preamp (50% vinyl - 50% movies) then the PS Audio M700 for my front stage, Tekton Electron SE speakers. It is a very sweet sounding set up, big improvement on the Manley Chinook after the Telefunken upgrade. 
I'm biased but I'd recommended a K&K Maxxed-Out or Trio used. I've heard the Herron quite a bit on a friend's system and I feel my Trio is more organic. Kevin told me the Trio is 95% of the Maxxed-Out.
I'm interested in hearing a Herron phono stage.  I've had a JC3+ for a few years and have tried a couple others costing quite a bit more.  Neither of these were anywhere as good as the JC3+.  
Can a phono stage ever break if not dropped or otherwise abused? I doubt it, so whatever one you like best will deliver the best value if used. I was lucky to find a used Sutherland Insight for about 40% below retail. I then added the linear power stage for $350. To get to the $3K range, the next model up is a 20/20 and with its linear power stage would be about $2650 list. Most dealers will give a modest 10-15% discount. Maybe go to the next model up that includes the LPS. Better yet if you can find them used.

The thing I like is that is all he makes/designs. And a very nice guy who will spend time with a customer for support like he did helping me with my LPS upgrade.
Sologear the Sutherland 2020 with LPS are great combo, the LPS bring the best out of 2020.The LPS if you have a good power cord it is even better.