McIntosh c1100 vs audio research ref 6se vs Ayer KX-R

Three great and comparably priced preamps.  I know kx-r is solid state.
How does one decide between these units?? Do I use a 3 sided coin?

anyone own any of these?  insights?
It may help if you gave more info such as the amp and speakers you are using.
Using a mc255 5 channel amp, chord Hugo tt2, roon nucleus, b&w 804 d3, and a b&w center and sub.   And looking for a very nice stereo preamp with stereo bypass.  Also use a marantz 5014 avr which is fine for ht.

Of course your going to buy the McIntosh! One button to turn everything on using power control, plus the amazing lights, not to mention im sure the C1100 sounds pretty pretty pretty good :-) O did I mention they have been in Binghampton NY since the Earth's been really they have I think. Excellent Customer Service...CHECK! Best resale value....CHECK! Honestly I buy MAC because I dont like it when things are not working, with McIntosh I never worry about this ever. Ive never had to send my amp in for service in over 13 years now.

Matt M
I’d do the Mac for sure. The ARC preamps don’t always work well with Mac amps as the output impedance of the preamp is a bit high for the relatively low input impedance of most Mac amps. You can always try it and see. 
Why is low impedance of a Mac going into an arc preamp with a high impedance a bad thing?