AB Testing Experiences

Anybody done much AB testing.  Hard to do at dealers with much variety, and in homes even tougher.   Anyone done much of this and able to share experience.
My kenwood tape deck from 1980 allowed this, tape play vs recorded sound.  
My curiously would be an AB test between avr vs stereo preamp,  tube vs ss, McIntosh vs audio research preamps, high end spkrs, amps, etc  I can do some AB testing at home between avr dac vs bluesound vs chord.  This shows lots of differences. Bluesound was quite bad. The 5014 Marantz avr dac for heos streaming wasn’t bad, very open and detailed. 

Fair amount of experience but almost impossible to do with speakers. If you can't match levels almost perfect it's meaningless. That is very difficult with speakers making true AB difficult. Even comparing DACs I would be surprised the levels are well matched unless you had a mechanism for it.
You guys are talking about methods of switching. But guess what? You can compare two things (A and B) even if it means disconnecting speakers, moving components around. 

Its a comparison, which includes volume and material. If the switching has to be instant, with levels matched and the same material, well then check out my recent post on listening skills. You're beginner Level One: volume. 

At this level I'm not surprised dealers don't want to waste their time. Just ask the guy to hook something up. Listen. Pay attention. You should be able to get through this level in 6 months to a year.
That post was ignorant level 1. Our whole concept of tone balance is tied to volume. Change the volume, our perceived tone balance changes and no amount of listening experience will ever change that. Increasing volume also brings out detail that can be lost at lower volumes again changing our perception and appreciation of the music. Nothing in listening experience will change that either.

Wish there was better info on the inner workings of the expensive audio boxes.  Some of the info out there is helpful.  Specs are plentiful but really are not helpful but needed.

of course the quality of workmanship may not be of value as it may not matter much in some areas within the box.  Although there are basics that need to be better emphasized by the quality providers.  This great work is being shortchanged by the marketeers, who should be working closely with the designers and creators.  So much to offer about a product that never reaches the buyer.