How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?

In my opinion this one the greatest improvements in audio in 40 years. AA is full of discussions about it, but there has been nothing here. Maybe that a $575 tweak is beyond Audiogoners?
Sounds interesting. I'll wait till the dust settles, but it did mention that you hear more tape hiss. From reading about it, it seems like you get better sonics along with the more flaws from the original recording.

If people were complaining about the $17 SACDs being too expensive, why would people spend $25 on a copy of a CD they already own?

Just playing devils advocate.
Maybe a 575 tweak will be the deal to be in when it makes the rounds.1 web is just the beginning,many paths to salvation in the digital realm...
The RealtyCheck duplicator is the real deal (IMO). I've compared 3 discs so far, and the RC discs have consistently sounded better than the originals. It's hard to imagine, but they sound like they reveal more information than the originals. I'm in the process of duplicating my most frequently played CDs in my collection and doing more detailed comparisons.

I also agree it's a pain to twice clean both the orginal and blank before duplicating them. And George suggests waiting 5 minutes between each cleaning.

That's not a bad idea to hire someone to do the cleaning and duplicating for you.
"The Finyl" RealtyCheck is now there is a product that aids the sound of digital. However it takes more cleaning, and preparation time then the Analogue rigs most gave up not wanting all the maintenance required with "The Vinyl". One the greatest improvements in audio in 40 years... may have come Full Circle? A $575 tweak I don't think is not beyond Audiogoners monetary budgets, but budgeting the time involved with this tweak might be?
The Positive Feedback review cited above contains the following statement:

" Ladies and gentlemen, we're talking master tape-type quality from Redbook CDs."

Why do I have a hard time believing such hype?