Has anyone tried the ayon Orion with zu?

I have a Ayon Orion and Zu Presence speakers. I am curious has anyone tried this combo? I think it's a good combo but have heard the otl amps as well as set amps sound fantastic. I hate to sell and regret it later, so anyone just let me know. Thanks, Scott
Plenty of excellent choices in that price range. Your making a good move in trying something new. Thats the whole spirit of this hobby. Good listening and enjoy.
The Melody I2A3 goes very well with Zu......I have bought and sold three of them and honestly still wish I had the last one that I sold. I have tried 10 or so amps and though others have been a little better, none were dramatically better, even at retail prices approaching $10,000. Out of those I tried, I recommend Art Audio PX-25, Coincident Frankenstein 300, Shuguang 300 Integrated from Grant Fidelity (within your budget), and my current favorite, Decware mini Torii or Tori. I am certain that any of those would be great, as a matter of fact I just bid on the Zu Presence pair on EBay and immediately ordered the Tori to mate with it but I lost the bidding. Good luck and keep in touch with what works.