How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?

In my opinion this one the greatest improvements in audio in 40 years. AA is full of discussions about it, but there has been nothing here. Maybe that a $575 tweak is beyond Audiogoners?
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>>I have nothing to gain in this other than to express my enthusiasm<<

Enthusiasm and hyperbole are quite different. I think you're comments far exceed enthusiasm. They border on endorsement and IMO are subject to both criticism and skepticism.
" I think you're (sic) comments far exceed enthusiasm. They border on endorsement and IMO are subject to both criticism and skepticism." I don't think your comment are either criticism or skepticism; they lack any evidence and represent mere poisoned cynicism.
Everyone on these forums walks the line between enthusiasm and endorsement.

Unless someone is proven to be selling, or having received the product(s)in question for free or at some special accomodation pricing, let's give them the benefit of the doubt, that they're excited about what they hear, and ask questions to qualify the improvements they're reporting.

Attacking without first hand knowledge of the product's performance, IMO, should also be subject to both criticism and skepticism.