How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?

In my opinion this one the greatest improvements in audio in 40 years. AA is full of discussions about it, but there has been nothing here. Maybe that a $575 tweak is beyond Audiogoners?
Exlibris- Before you add the batteries, check out:
Onhw61, you assume that cd manufacturers care what their cds sound like. I too do not understand what is going on in this process, but it may have some tie to cdrs not cds. It also may have some to do with cleaning cdrs and cds properly. Vincent Sanders of VRS using an original and RC copy I sent reports that he could clearly hear the improvement playing on a player, but that when he burned both to hard drive, he could no longer hear a difference. Hidden within all of this may be some clue as to why Louis could not market this to a manufacturer.
Tbg has raised a very interesting point. The Acard unit displays their version of the software, not Geroge's version. Where is George actually programming the unit's software on the Acard?

Has anyone ever tried using an Acard duplicator not purchased from George?
Interesting thread. Perhaps another alternative for tweakers (note: link is to a PDF file, may want to right click and download first):

In Quest of Absolute Fidelity™: The Saga of the Black CD - Finding Black Gold

"music CDs using this (burn) process results in a spectacular improvement to the musicality of the CD playback"

Apparently similar results maybe obtained utilizing equipment we may already have - provided we find the correct media. Would be interested in hearing more comments on this - or is it just more "snake oil"?
Wow, Slothman, this is a very important posting based on very thorough testing. It sounds like George Louis has done his homework and reached the same conclusion as Mr. Koh. Some black cdrs are exceptional, cleaning with the right liquids is imperative, some copying softwares and hardwares are superior, and the results are "more life-like." The question remains as to whether buying the right black cdrs, finding the best cleaners, and getting the best hard and softwares allows you to equal or exceed the RealityCheck.