How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?

In my opinion this one the greatest improvements in audio in 40 years. AA is full of discussions about it, but there has been nothing here. Maybe that a $575 tweak is beyond Audiogoners?
The more I read the more I suspect there is nothing special being done with the Reality Check CD burner per se and what people are hearing is simply the result of the improvements inherent with very carefully copying massed produced CDs with better quality burners and using obsessive media cleaning techniques. People reported improved sound quality from burned CDs back when Meridian offered the first dedicated audio burners.

I don't have the link, but I saw on Audio Asylum the George Louis was involved in the manufacture/sale of Finyl CD cleaning solution. Is that similar to his current cleaning solution?
I have been running a Gary Koh-type burner rig for about a year. In my mind, there is no doubt the discs are better sounding. Other systems and their owners have sided with me on this. Mr. Koh's Melody discs are not available in the US, though I've had good luck with Mitsui Golds and Memorex Blacks.

Recently, I burned 5 well-recorded discs and sent them, along with the originals, to Mr. Louis. George copied my originals to the same type of blanks, using his process, listened, took notes, then sent all of it back to me.

So now, I have 5 originals, 5 copies the Gary Koh way, 5 copies the George Louis way, and George also sent me 5 of his Onix black discs to burn my way to compare. Whew!

I haven't had time to compare yet. I'll definitely get around to it this weekend and report back. With the toil it took to get the dedicated burner together, I'm leaning toward RealityCheck as a better answer for most people. It's plug-and-play after all.

For now, I'll just say Georges discs sound very good indeed. I'll need to spend some more time before I'll go further.
>>The more I read the more I suspect there is nothing special being done with the Reality Check<<

I agree. This product, along with many other new products, is being hyped by a handful of enthusiastic folks who have spent serious money. The result is justification of the purchase in the form of rave reviews IMO.