If I measured them they would be different again. As I said, I've seen a LOT of fudging and manipulation, of the numbers. How that mic is held what it is held with, background noise, I've seen some weird stuff to get NUMBERS. Wiring out of phase is real big. Listen to the difference, when the mids are NOT wired out of phase... and when just one of three (EX; mid drivers) is wired out of phase, the number look good but they sound "FLAT" because they are, they measure flat...
Tekton does not wire out of phase.... I don't know Mr. Pass views on crossovers, but I do have one of his hand built First Watt OXO. Nothing more than 18 db XO, more like 6 and 12 db.. His amps are going to reflect sounding better, with a lower order XO, too.. Those long slopes help a lot when it comes to power demand...and lower watts.
24, 48 db slopes, and any low watt amp, the amp will labor, AND run out of gas. Even if the E factor is high.... 25 watts is 25 watts..I have to look up the specs on the speakers...I have a hunch about the crossover...I just wonder if it is in the specs without, looking at the actual crossover.
Tekton does not wire out of phase.... I don't know Mr. Pass views on crossovers, but I do have one of his hand built First Watt OXO. Nothing more than 18 db XO, more like 6 and 12 db.. His amps are going to reflect sounding better, with a lower order XO, too.. Those long slopes help a lot when it comes to power demand...and lower watts.
24, 48 db slopes, and any low watt amp, the amp will labor, AND run out of gas. Even if the E factor is high.... 25 watts is 25 watts..I have to look up the specs on the speakers...I have a hunch about the crossover...I just wonder if it is in the specs without, looking at the actual crossover.