How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?

In my opinion this one the greatest improvements in audio in 40 years. AA is full of discussions about it, but there has been nothing here. Maybe that a $575 tweak is beyond Audiogoners?

Tbg sent me pictures of the stock SMPS, it's a:

AK2 A65A1-02M
65 watt output
+5 volts at 3.5 amps
+12 volts at 4.0 amps

Sounds like your tech either under rated the amps on the transformer or regulator. Did he measure the current draw on the +5v and +12V rails?

There's some great off the shelf linears available for under $100.

I'd be happy to upgrade the SMPS for you, if you're interested. See my system.

Anything that reduces power supply noise in digital circuits, should be worth the effort.
Exlibris, I too am very interested in your findings with a "better" power supply on the RC. Thanks for being point man.
RealityCheck with Linear Power Supply Modification

If one were to express the difference between duplicates made with the RealityCheck (RC) and original compact discs (CD) in percentage terms, one could argue that the duplicates are 20% better than the originals.

If one were to express the difference between duplicates made with the RealityCheck with Linear Power Supply Modification (RC/PSM) and duplicates made with the standard RealityCheck (RC) in percentage terms, one could argue that the RC/PSM duplicates are 40% better than the RC duplicates.

Yes, there is a greater difference between the RC/PSM and the RC duplicates, than there is between RC duplicates and the CD.

Harmonic structure is greatly increased. The insides of drums and wooded instruments are more apparent as are the inflections in a singer’s voice.
Transients are quicker and have much better attack. Drum hits have much more snap and definition.
Pace, rhythm and timing are improved.
The digital glare (digital screen) in front of the presentation is greatly reduced. The presentation is less aggressive, more relaxed, and less chaotic.
Vocals sound more natural and there is less emphasis on sibilants.
Cymbals stay back with the drum kit rather than projecting out to the front of the soundstage.
Images are more distinct and there is less smear.
There is greater space between images on the soundstage.

The bottom line is that one gets a much better appreciation of what the musicians and vocalists are trying to get across. The presentation is simply much more real and emotionally satisfying.
Exlibris, obvious question then is what did you have done. Is it a standard power supply that can just be swapped?
I had a linear power supply custom made from individual parts.
All I really know is that I now have a two-box unit and that there are some relatively big transformers and new capacitors in the boxes.

Now that I know that it works great I will ask the technician:

1. to try and explain to me -exactly- what he did.
2. if he would do anything different if he had to do it over again.
3. is there anything more that could be done.