Quick fuse question

Hello guys. I have a quick fuse question. I have a ARC D200 amp that uses a MDQ5A fuse.The MDQ is a dual element fuse. I have purchased some Aucharm fuses for my pre and phono stage and they sound great. What would be the replace size for the MDQ5A fuse? I put in a standard 5Afuse and the amp ate it for lunch. Thanks for your time and effort guys.
if I put in a fuse with higher resistance
You guys have no idea, it’s the resistance that causes it to melt and blow, 🤦‍♂️ go f*****g around with that and you’ll blow your equipment instead, that’s why it’s called resistance wire inside a fuse, if it didn’t resist the over current and blow, your equipment would be toast! leave things alone you have on idea about, really🤔
Anger issues coupled with a lack of knowledge. Charming.

Fuses of the same current rating can vary 5x or more from the lowest resistance to highest resistance at the same operating current.

Perhaps someone without anger issues and potty mouth would like to answer my questions.
Like I said no idea

LOL I got a great idea. With my little experiment, I proved to myself that the fuse circuit inside a lot of older amps in particular, really limited the amps ability to work propper.. I NEVER had a failure that took out an amp because of a fuse, being moved. I have seen time reset fuses burn equipment to the ground though.. Usually and oil leak, dirty dusty lent and a fuse resetting. You do have to be carefull.

Stereo equipment may seem expensive, when it takes a dump... But there are a lot worse, equipment failures, than stereo gear.

A lot of the new equipment 1/5 the cost of making the things work is digital/analog. 250,000-2.5 million burn to the ground.. FUSES, big dollar fuses..... not run of the mill fuses. Like my buddy George... THINKS..

The world is a LOT bigger than stereo gear, George... Where do you think the ideas for super duper fuses came from....Silly fella...Stereo gear? Not even close....

It came from a need like being in space, or in a tunnel full of coal dust, medical equipment or because something else other than STEREO gear.

Funny guy George.... See no name calling.. just a funny guy...


I can't say I am a proponent of fuses but those were rants most definitely. Reading a certain incensed persons interesting and quite wrong views on a number of topics I don't think they should be calling others technical Luddites.

Let's start with that whole AC argument about fuses. That is a factually wrong and circular argument. Fuses are not directional because their transfer function is independent of current direction unlike say a diode. Of course those promoting fuse direction usually without knowing it are claiming that the transfer function is dependent on current direction hence the whole circular and wrong argument of "it's AC". Luddite is all relative to me someone who uses this argumemt is a Luddite. Think diode and try that argument again.