How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?

In my opinion this one the greatest improvements in audio in 40 years. AA is full of discussions about it, but there has been nothing here. Maybe that a $575 tweak is beyond Audiogoners?
Tvad and Onhwy61, as I have said I tried using RC and other cd-rs some black and all thoroughly cleaned burned on my MAC. I have directly compared them with copies made on the RealityCheck unit. The latter were clearly better. Previously, I had made cd-r copies on computers and always found some minor improvements. In fact I made several RC copies of discs I had copied on my computer after they would no longer play on my cd player as they were too scratched. These RC copies were strikingly superior to the computer copies.

As I have also said, it does seem to be the case that Mr. Louis merely found a superior way to copy with great sonic benefit and sold his off the shelf products at a great mark-up. The results are quite good but the cost is too high.
Just started reading this thread and thought I would point out that Arnie Nudell told us about the sonic benefits of duplicating on to black CDRs back in 2002 or there abouts. Here is a link to his company go to the download page and click on the "black CD saga" paper. I've been making black CD copies for years - makes a big difference on my system. This may be old news to many of you but thought I would toss this into the mix.
Actually, Sbayne, it was an engineer at Genesis, not Arnie. It also stressed that cd-rs vary greatly in sound quality and how long they last or lasted in those days.
If the cost of the Reality check ($795.00) is to high, what are we audiophiles to make of the Nespa? ($900.00) for a box with a light bulb in it that heats the disc to release trapped gases in the disc which results in sound improvement???? I'm all for improving my home Hi-Fi but $900.00 for a light bulb is_________ (fill in the blank)