How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?

In my opinion this one the greatest improvements in audio in 40 years. AA is full of discussions about it, but there has been nothing here. Maybe that a $575 tweak is beyond Audiogoners?
If the cost of the Reality check ($795.00) is to high, what are we audiophiles to make of the Nespa? ($900.00) for a box with a light bulb in it that heats the disc to release trapped gases in the disc which results in sound improvement???? I'm all for improving my home Hi-Fi but $900.00 for a light bulb is_________ (fill in the blank)
Right, is was a Gary Leonard Koh. Want to give credit where credit is due. Yes, he talks a lot about different brands of Black CDs but also types of drives, brand of drives, external drives, recording at 1X, recording software, etc. Just wanted to point people to this if they are looking for more info and didn't know about this article that has been on the web for years.
Powder, reviews across the board have been raves on the Nespa. Latest is in HiFi+ Both the RealityCheck at $575 and the Nespa at $895 are minor in comparison with other components that I use and what I have in my software.
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Maybe folks would be interested in doing a little reading here.

This is sort of Wizard of Oz like...."Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"

This is a strange hobby.